I love travelling solo, especially in Ireland. It makes me feel special. Those times when I am on public transport abroad and I don’t speak the local language and nobody there speaks English, this makes me feel unique. I love that people still try to help me. I also love that other English speakers are very willing to start up a conversation. This is something I don’t think would happen with such frequency if I wasn’t travelling solo. Opportunities seem to present themselves as well…
Read more: The Joy of Travelling Solo – Maghery, Co. Donegal, Ireland
The perks of travelling solo
Last night I was speaking with a lovely couple in the bar of the hotel where I was staying. I don’t usually hang around bars but everyone was waiting for the dining room to open. Anyway I told them that I had driven from Shannon in County Clare to Rossnowlagh, checked in to the hotel, then drove another few hours to Slieve League only to realise that I wouldn’t have time to walk the 3km round trip to the cliffs because I would miss sunset in Rossnowlagh. I had just found out that the sun set at 6 minutes past five o’clock. I only had one night in Rossnowlagh and therefore one chance for sunset photos so I promptly turned the car around and drove back to the hotel. After asking if I was quite mad they told me I needed to stay still for awhile, relax a little and offered their holiday house to me for the next night as they were staying in the hotel for one more night.

Now it’s not everyday that you get this kind of offer, let alone from complete strangers. I asked them ‘are you sure?’ ‘What if I trash the place, throw TVs out the window.’ No, they somehow knew I wouldn’t do that

The kindness of strangers
So the next day came around and I met them after breakfast where they gave me the key and instructions of how to get to the house. The town, Maghery, was over hill over dale but I found it quite easily. I, however, couldn’t believe my luck. Their house was pretty much on the beach of a town which is the cutest little hamlet I’ve seen. They had giant windows looking out to sea. Wow, what a view

So I relaxed, walked along the beach, had a few beers at the local pub and listened to the sound of waves crashing against the beach. Bliss! Now I’m not saying that this opportunity would not have happened if I was travelling with a friend but it was one more random act of kindness that has happened to me on this trip. As I said I love travelling solo!

Maghery, County Donegal
Maghery is deep in Gaeltacht country (Irish speaking area) and the people were very welcoming. I had to ask a man to move his car when I was leaving the pub so I could get my hire car out to return to the house. As I started to move the car he gestured that something was wrong and promptly dropped to the ground at the front of the car. I asked if he were a mechanic and he said no but he had similar problems with his car. He hooked the part back up that had been dragging along the ground and was on his way back into the pub. My car certainly made less noise now. What a nice chap!
I had a lovely time in a lovely place on the western coast of Donegal all thanks to some complete strangers. Thank you!

12 replies on “The Joy of Travelling Solo – Maghery, Co. Donegal, Ireland”
I’ve never traveled solo, but I look forward to trying out one day!
I never thought of Ireland to travel to, but this sounds great and your photos are convincing me even more to check it out!
Ireland is always beautiful- and so is the kindness of strangers!
This is a great post! I’ve only travelled solo to visit friends, I’ve never done a trip completely on my own. Maybe this will give me the push to do it!
Ireland is such a magical place! It’s like there a beautiful view around every corner.
I have not made it to Donegal as I haven’t been that far north but would love to make it up there one day and to Northern Ireland as well.
I love to travel, but always go together with my boyfriend. However, it really sounds great to go by yourself. This post made me think, maybe I will go somewhere alone
I’ve never been to Ireland but it sounded like an amazing trip and it sounds like you met some amazing people!
Sounds amazing! Ireland is so beautiful.
The Maghery holiday house looks beautiful from what I can see and wow, what an awesome view of the beach! I would love to stay in a beach home. Thanks for sharing about Donegal, Ireland!
My father’s side of the family comes from Ireland. I would definitely like to go there someday!
What a beautiful landscape, with the hills covered in grasses and the waves crashing in the mountains. I would love to visit Ireland one day.
And you were so fortunate to be invited to that house with such an amazing view!