Seattle. What an attractive and beautiful city. It was lovely and sunny. I was staying in the Queen Anne district which is northwest of the city and only about a block from the Space Needle. The Queen Anne district was very pleasant area to stay in and explore. Lots of good things about this city – aesthetically pleasing to the eye, great attractions to see, free wi-fi in public places etc. The area around the Space Needle has plenty to offer and I went to the Experience Music Project on the first day. However, I was a little underwhelmed by the music museum. It was one of the main reasons I went to Seattle. I think I just wanted it to be bigger and more of it. What they had there was good but I went through it and wondered if there was any more to see. Today the Experience Music Project is called the Museum of Pop Culture. The name change occurred in 2016. They have had dozens of exhibitions, 17 of which have toured internationally. I did love the guitar sculpture which dominates the foyer. The distinctive building was created by famous architect Frank Gehry.